Blog - Page 11 of 35 - Modernist Cuisine

Making your grill (or broiler) shine this summer

May 30, 2013

BY W. WAYT GIBBS Associated Press Compared to other basic cooking techniques, grilling is hard: the temperatures are high, timing is crucial and slight differences in the thickness or wetness of the food can dramatically affect how quickly it cooks. Bad design choices by equipment makers—kettle-shaped grills with black interiors, for example—make it harder still. […]

Announcing Our New Book: The Photography of Modernist Cuisine

May 22, 2013

When I began writing Modernist Cuisine, I had several goals in mind: to explore the scientific principles behind cooking, to explain the latest Modernist techniques from the top restaurants around the world, and to punctuate the collection with stunning visuals. Nearly every review that came in cited our photography; even commenters who took issue with […]

Why food goes from almost done to overdone so quickly on the grill

May 16, 2013

BY W. WAYT GIBBS Associated Press Ever tried toasting hamburger buns on a grill? It takes uncanny timing to achieve an even medium brown across the buns. Typically, they remain white for what seems like far too long. Then it’s as if time accelerates, and they blow past toasted to burnt in the time it […]

Modernist Mother’s Day

May 7, 2013

Mothers are important. Mothers are many people’s gateway to food and cooking. On the Modernist Cuisine team, this is no exception. Nathan’s mother famously let him prepare Thanksgiving dinner when he was only nine years old, kicking off a lifelong love of cooking. Sam Fahey-Burke first began making buckeye cookies with his mother as a […]

Science helps craft the perfect mac and cheese

May 6, 2013

BY SCOTT HEIMENDINGER Associated Press Imagine your favorite cheese: perhaps an aged, sharp cheddar, or maybe a blue Gorgonzola or a gentle Monterey Jack. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to use those really good cheeses you love on nachos or as a sauce on macaroni or steamed vegetables? But if you have ever tried melting high-quality […]

Mastering creamy pureed potatoes, no fat required

April 29, 2013

When made just right, mashed potatoes are the ultimate comfort food: smooth, creamy, warm and filling — not to mention a perfect vehicle for gravy. But how to get them perfectly smooth and creamy? Too often ridding mashed potatoes of those pesky lumps forces you to overwork the spuds into a gummy, grainy mess. Or […]

A shocking (and hot!) tip for preserving produce

April 26, 2013

By W. WAYT GIBBS Associated Press Nothing is more frustrating than finding the perfect cucumber or head of lettuce at the farmers market, paying top-dollar for it, and then… tossing it out a week later when it has gone moldy or slimy in the refrigerator. No doubt one reason so many of us eat too […]

Five Additional Uses for Your Baking Steel

April 19, 2013

In our quest to create the perfect baking steel for mimicking the results obtained by a traditional wood-fired oven, ultimately achieving pizza bliss, we also tested other uses for such a device. We examined several possibilities, including hot and cold preparations. Because the baking steel is 22 lb of highly conductive thermal mass, it can […]

Build the Perfect Pizza in 12 Steps

April 16, 2013

You can build a great pizza if you master three crucial elements: making the dough, creating the toppings, and baking the pizza. Stretching out pizza dough is a delicate art that rewards patience and practice. Topping a pizza is all about balancing an ideal ratio of dough to toppings that allows the pizza to cook […]

Introducing the Modernist Cuisine Special Edition Baking Steel

April 15, 2013

We love Neapolitan-style pizza. With its bubbly crust cooked to perfection, it is held to high esteem in the pizza world for good reason. The trouble is that home ovens don’t reach the scorching 800 °F used to create a blistering crust in a wood-fired oven. We researched this problem and in Modernist Cuisine shared […]