A Modernist Christmas Feast
December 24, 2010
Maxime shares recipes for a Modernist Christmas feast. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Modernist Cuisine culinary team!
Maxime shares recipes for a Modernist Christmas feast. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Modernist Cuisine culinary team!
The first of the three-part article series, “Inside the Lab with the Modernist Cuisine Kitchen Team” describes the process by which we developed the recipes for the book.
First image of the Modernist Cuisine set.
From the very beginning of this project, Modernist Cuisine was to be of the highest possible quality. From the depth of the information and accuracy of the data, to the resolution of the images and the durability of the paper, the Modernist Cuisine team went to great lengths to ensure that the finished product would be of the highest quality. Here are a few examples of what went into the process.
The thermal dynamics of coffee and cream. Watch two high-speed videos and tell us what you think is going on!
The Modernist Cuisine team consists of more than just the authors. For the past three years, the kitchen team has been developing and testing the information for the book. In this post, you will meet the kitchen team and learn a little about the paths that led them to the Modernist kitchen.
Thanksgiving is the most food-focused of all U.S. holidays, and much has been written about its traditional centerpiece, the turkey. Rather than mastering the classic interpretation, the recipe in Modernist Cuisine flips it on its head by focusing on refining the flavors of a roasted bird and applying Modernist techniques.
Another high-speed, high-definition video shot by the Modernist Cuisine team during the creation of the book. What fast-paced, food-related action or activity would you like to see slowed down to naked-eye speed? Leave a comment and let the team know!
Think only witches and alchemists can turn a watermelon into a potato? Think again! In this post, Max and Johnny demonstrate how a watermelon can be infused with starch and deep-fried into an unlikely new kind of chip.
Martha Stewart visits the Modernist Cuisine team at the Cooking Lab