Bienvenue! Willkommen! Bienvenida!

Bienvenue!Bienvenue au site Modernist Cuisine! Maintenant que les éditions française, allemande, et espagnole sont disponibles, nous sommes aussi entrain de mettre tous les aspects de notre site disponsibles dans ces langages afin que tous nos lecteurs aient la plus complete expérience de Modernist Cuisine. Pendant ce temps, nous vous encourageons de visiter la page Modernist Cuisine chez
Willkommen!Willkommen auf der Internetseite von Modernist Cuisine! Jetzt wo die Bücher in Deutsch, Französisch, und Spanisch erhältlich sind, arbeiten wir daran, die meisten Funktionen unserer Internetseite auch in diesen Sprachen bereit zu stellen, so dass alle Leser den größtmöglichen Nutzen von Modernist Cuisine haben. In der Zwischenzeit empfehlen wir Ihnen die Seite Modernist Cuisine bei
Bienvenida!¡Bievenidos al sitio de Modernist Cuisine! Ahora que las ediciones del libro en español, francés, y alemán, están disponibles, estamos trabajando para proporcionar todos los beneficios de nuestro sitio web también en su idioma, para que todos los visitantes tengan lo mejor experiencia de Modernist Cuisine. Mientras tanto, le recomendamos que visite la página de Modernist Cuisine en

Max Will Demonstrate Modernist Techniques at Seattle’s Book Larder

Book Larder, Seattle’s newest food-focused bookstore, is offering a special package that includes both a copy of Modernist Cuisine and two tickets to an event with MC coauthor Maxime Bilet for a discounted price of $550. That’s $75 off the list price! Please join Max at Book Larder on Thursday, February 2, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. for a demonstration of techniques from the book, insights into MC’s creation, and a Q&A session. For more information, click here to visit the page on Book Larder’s website.

Tickets to See Nathan at the JBF Include a Signed Copy of MC!

The James Beard Foundation in New York City is hosting a special event featuring Modernist Cuisine author Nathan Myhrvold on Wednesday, November 16, at 6:30 p.m. A ticket admits both you and a guest to a champagne reception with Dr. Myhrvold at the Beard House, a presentation on the revolution underway in the culinary arts, and a signed copy of the six-volume book and display case, including shipping to your home. A portion of the $650 all-inclusive ticket price will benefit the James Beard Foundation.

For tickets and more information, call 212.627.2308 or click here.

Why a Book Was Needed

In this video, Nathan passionately explains the need he perceived and is trying to fill with Modernist Cuisine. You may have heard his story before: having realized that no book included all of the science, techniques, and information out there on Modernist cooking, he strove to create the ultimate guide, including the best high-tech techniques from world-renowned chefs. But it’s different hearing Nathan tell it; his enthusiasm is catching. We bet you’ll be running to your set of books in no time.

If you would prefer to watch this video on YouTube, you can view it here.

Poll: Help us choose prints for the third printing!

We are going back to print! That’s exciting in and of itself, but it also means we get to choose four new 8″ x 10″ prints to accompany the volumes in boxed copies of Modernist Cuisine.

Help us select by choosing your four favorite photos from among those below. Polls will close Thursday, September 15, 2011. After all, we have deadlines to meet!

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How Many Stars Would You Give Us?

{a href=”” title=”Salty Seattle’s Our striped mushroom omelet.” target=”_blank”}Our striped mushroom omelet. Photo courtesy of Salty Seattle.{/a}

Restaurants, and therefore chefs, are usually rated in stars. MC is actually no different. If you have had the chance to plunge into all six volumes, please come tell us on or, and give us your rating.

This Just In: Modernist Cuisine is fully in stock!

Five months and eight days after its release, Modernist Cuisine is fully in stock at Barnes & Noble and Amazon (as well as a growing number of independent bookstores and libraries–find one near you with our store locator).

Back orders, the bulk of the reason booksellers have been out of stock so long, have finally been fulfilled. We are still sending more and more copies from the printer in China each week, and we anticipate that we will continue seeing stores fully stocked through the holidays.

Both and are currently selling the book for less than $500. For the last several weeks, both retailers had listed it at the full price of $625. Many independent bookstores that have the book in stock are selling in the $525 price range.

Find a Copy of Modernist Cuisine Near You

Modernist Cuisine is one of those extraordinary books that is hard to truly appreciate until you have actually laid your hands on a copy. Until recently, that’s been pretty hard to do.

Now we invite you to use our new MC Locator feature to find a physical copy of the book at a bookstore or library near you. Just type in your zip code: a set of the six-volume work is probably closer than you’d think.

If you don’t see a location near you, check back in a month or two. More stores and libraries are receiving their copies every week, and we’ll be updating the list periodically.