In the Recipe Library: Striped Mushroom Omelet, Explained

The final plated dish is filled with siphoned scrambled eggs and mushroom marmalade.

We’ve included a new recipe in our Recipe Library. This time we’re taking a look at our increasingly famous Striped Mushroom Omelet. Along with the recipe for the omelet base, we’ve also posted the recipes for the mushroom puree and siphoned scrambled egg components. Watch our video and check out our tips, and you’ll be well on your way to making the most impressive breakfast your family has ever seen.

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New Recipe in the Library: Mughal Curry Sauce

We served this lamb shank with Mughal curry, Indian sorrel leaves, fresh apricot slices, and cashew halvah (halvah recipe on page 5ยท93).

Just what does curry mean, anyway? Find out its history, flavors, the science behind chilies, and more in our 7 Things You Didn’t Know About Curry list. We’re sure you’ll be eager to try it out yourself, so we’ve provided the Mughal Curry Sauce recipe from the Historic Lamb Curries spread in volume 5 of Modernist Cuisine. We’ve also compiled several helpful hints to make your curry a success! Find the new page here.

Sous Vide Rare Beef Jus: An In-Depth Look

If you have registered with and opted to receive recipes by email, this is already old news to you, but for everyone else, we’d like to announce the latest addition to our recipe library. We’ve taken an in-depth look at the recipe for Sous Vide Rare Beef Jus, including tips, plating ideas, and personal accounts from the Kitchen Team. There’s even a video with a centrifugal twist on the recipe from the book. Give it a try, and let us know how it turns out by posting in the Cooks Forum.