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Looking Back at the Modernist Cuisine Feast

July 26, 2012

Amazing! That’s all I can keep repeating to myself after witnessing the result of our collaboration with Tom Douglas’s team and some very generous friends on June 21, 2012. There were 40 guests, 30 courses, four brilliant guest chefs, and a team of 20 cooks, servers, and presenters. As a result, we raised more than $27,000 to be distributed among […]

For a Great Summer Feast, Cook Ahead, and Bring Extra Fat

July 3, 2012

Summer feasting can be great fun, but it poses a number of challenges for the cook. You may find yourself in an unfamiliar kitchen or even cooking at a park, on the beach, at a campsite in the woods, or in a friend’s backyard. The grill at hand may lack some of the features of […]

Vote for MCAH Prints!

June 7, 2012

We’ve taken the photos, tested the recipes, written the text, and shipped our files off to the printer. But there’s one element of Modernist Cuisine at Home we can’t do without you: we need your help selecting images for the four 8 x 10 prints we will be including with MCAH! To vote, post one […]

Introducing Modernist Cuisine at Home

May 29, 2012

When it comes to cooking techniques, the classics are well covered. But the latest and greatest techniques, developed by the most innovative chefs in the world, were largely undocumented until we and Chris Young, along with the rest of our team, published Modernist Cuisine: The Art and Science of Cooking in 2011. At six volumes […]

The Kitchen as Laboratory

May 21, 2012

The late Oxford physicist Nicholas Kurti is best known for conducting cooling experiments that came within a millionth of a degree of absolute zero (-459 °F / -273 °C), the temperature at which the motions within atoms cease. A less-celebrated endeavor–but one of equal achievement in our minds–is the collection of essays on the science […]

Glow-in-the-Dark Gummies

May 18, 2012

When Wired magazine asked us if it would be possible to tweak our Olive Oil Gummy Worm recipe so that the finished product would glow in the dark, we knew we had to try. Research chef Johnny Zhu whipped up a batch that week, and when they were set, we all stood around nervously dimming […]

My First Memphis in May

May 15, 2012

In 1991, I was reading an article about a guy, John Willingham, who had won the World Championship of Barbecue—multiple times, and at multiple championships (like many cult followings, barbecue is claimed by many, so which contest is the definitive World Championship is still up for debate). The most interesting part of the article to […]

MC Just Won the James Beard Award!

May 4, 2012

Modernist Cuisine is named Cookbook of the Year, and also takes the award for Cooking from a Professional Point of View

Max Gets TESTED at the Exploratorium

April 13, 2012

Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage of Mythbusters sent their friend Will Smith (no, not THAT Will Smith) to Maxime’s presentation at the Exploratorium last week. Watch the interview above, and check next week, when, insiders say, they’ll put hyperdecantation to the test! Want to learn more about the Striped Mushroom Omelet? Check out our […]

Nathan’s Decision to Leave Microsoft

April 12, 2012

Nathan Myhrvold left his postdoc research with Stephen Hawking to write software and become Microsoft’s first chief technology officer. So after 14 years on the job, what could possibly pull him away from that? Nathan tells Big Think, “It is always an issue when you’re good at something to say, do I keep getting better […]