Serious Eats

“To describe Modernist Cuisine as ‘a cookbook’ is a bit like describing Mount Everest as a hill.”

The Independent

“Modernist Cuisine is the most spec­tac­u­lar cook­book the world has ever seen. Lifting the lid—literally—on the alchemy of the kitchen, it will trans­form the way we think about food for­ever.”

The Boston Globe

“It’s an ency­clo­pe­dia, a man­i­festo, and a doc­u­men­tary, and, should you find a way to get your hands on it, you’re in for an expe­ri­ence that will leave you awed, exhausted, and agog with dis­be­lief.”


“The definitive book about the science of cooking—the Principia of the kitchen. It’s dense and beautiful and inspired…”


“The six-volume set defies categorization…. By turns breathless and pedagogical, it aspires to be to cooking what Le Corbusier’s Towards a New Architecture was to the building arts of the 1920s: a true modernist manifesto.”


“Myhrvold has spared no expense and taken the time to get it right.”

The Washington Post

“Big, beautiful, and worth the hype . . . it is the answer to everything you wanted to know about cooking, not to mention so many things you never thought about.”

The Atlantic

“If a cookbook can come anywhere near the goal of having something for everyone, Modernist Cuisine definitely comes close… it may live on as the most important cookbook—ever.”