Blog - Page 20 of 35 - Modernist Cuisine

Behind the Scenes at a Lab Dinner, Part 3

December 28, 2011

In the third part of this series, we finally delve into what it’s like to both serve and eat 33 courses at a Cooking Lab dinner. Part 1 chronicled the shopping trip to the Farmers’ Market, and part 2 detailed the amount of prep work such a dinner takes. Small Portions Add Up This dinner […]

What Would You Like to See from Us in 2012?

December 27, 2011

As we announced last week, Scott Heimendinger, from Seattle Food Geek, will be joining the MC team as our Business Developer… and Modernist Cuisine Evangelist! And yes, that does mean that we have future plans, which may or may not already be in the works (sorry for the secrecy, but we promise that we’ll announce […]

Coffee: Because, Damn It, We’re from Seattle

December 23, 2011

Nathan Myhrvold on coffee at Seattle Town Hall from Modernist Cuisine on Vimeo. When Nathan Myhrvold recently spoke at Seattle’s Town Hall, he made sure to dedicate at least a few minutes of his speech to the topic of coffee. This was for the same reason there’s a whole chapter of MC dedicated to the […]

New Recipes: Buckeyes & Eggnog

December 22, 2011

Move over milk and cookies, we’ll be leaving our Popping Buckeyes and Eggnog Foam Cocktails out for Santa this year. If, that is, we don’t devour them ourselves! We give our buckeyes a kick with pastry rocks (similar to Pop Rocks candy) and literally whip up some infused cream and eggs to top off tea […]

Scott from Seattle Food Geek Is Joining the MC Team!

December 21, 2011

We welcome a famous foodie as the newest member of The Cooking Lab.

Behind the Scenes at a Lab Dinner, Part 2

December 20, 2011

The second in our three-part series reveals how Maxime and the research cooks choreograph the ultimate dinner party.

Maxime in Europe; Named One of 30 Under 30 in Forbes

December 19, 2011

The coauthor of Modernist Cuisine makes Forbes’s prestigious list of young superstars in food and wine.

What to Buy a Foodie for the Holidays

December 16, 2011

The MC team shares some of the things they have added to their wish lists this year.

New Recipes in the Library: Risottos

December 15, 2011

This parametric recipe from the pages of Modernist Cuisine offers several great recipes for risottos based on a variety of grains and vegetables.

Physics World Names MC in 2011 Top 10 List!

December 14, 2011

The prestigious science magazine calls Modernist Cuisine “the ultimate reference book for all chefs and aspiring cooks.”