Poll: Help us choose prints for the third printing!
September 1, 2011
Select your favorite images for inclusion with MC as 8″ x 10″ prints.
Select your favorite images for inclusion with MC as 8″ x 10″ prints.
See Modernist Cuisine coauthor Chris Young at the Star Chefs Congress, this October in NYC.
In a one-day workshop at Seattle Art Museum, Ryan will explain the special techniques he used to making the outstanding photos in MC. Click for tickets
If you’ve had a chance to review all six volumes of MC, we invite you to rate or review the book on Amazon.com and BarnesAndNoble.com.
Booksellers are reporting that MC is now available for immediate shipping.
He will be cooking at La Becasse on Sept. 9 and giving a public talk the next day.
A recipe from MC, complete with tips and a step-by-step video
In the Modernist Cuisine Cooks Forum, the MC culinary team is now answering questions about MC recipes, Modernist ingredients, cooking equipment, and more.
How a tandoor is like a volcanic skylight
Check out our new video on the photography of MC